Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)

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The Cake "Opera" 【歐貝拉】

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有看過" Saw" 的人,才懂!!

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big apple



Go to try it!!!!開懷大笑

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Bravo's 100 "Funniest Movies" - a Travesty. Post #1


The 100 FunniestMovies is a list of the top 100 comedy movies as determined by Bravo, the U.S. television    network. The list was unveiled by the Bravo on    May 26, 2006 





100. Anchorman
99. The Birdcage

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    What's more impoetant to him is loving his work and doning a good job. "Don't let money be the motivator."
he advises anyone starting a business.  Instead, he says, " underatand what the customer needs and how you, as a business owner, can help him improve his company.  When you help your customer grow, you grow.  Very few business understand that.  They try to extract as much money from their customers as they can.  But if that hurts their customer's business, the customer goes broke, so who wins? Nobody! "

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