What's more impoetant to him is loving his work and doning a good job. "Don't let money be the motivator."
he advises anyone starting a business.  Instead, he says, " underatand what the customer needs and how you, as a business owner, can help him improve his company.  When you help your customer grow, you grow.  Very few business understand that.  They try to extract as much money from their customers as they can.  But if that hurts their customer's business, the customer goes broke, so who wins? Nobody! "
Q1 What's the most overrated secret to success?
  A:  Intelligence.  Success is about how you take care of your employees and customers, and how sincere y are about that.  you don't have to be smart to treat people well.  Swallow the ego and hire somebody who's good at what you don't have the knowledge to do.
Q2 What's the most overlooked secret to seccess?
  A:  Having a calculated vision.  Let's say you go into a store and say, " Boy this would be a great place, if... " That's the vision, okey? Then do your homework to make sure your vision makes seuse.
Q3 Do you still ask your employees what's working and what isn't ?
 A: All the time.
Q4 What's the most important thing you've learned in business?
  A: That people have the right to fail→ thinking → need management to manage them → think for them
                  they figure out → why → correct it → Valued Failure
Q5 What's are you looking for in a potential hire?
  A: Engergy.  And if somebody says to me, " I just want a chance."

Q6 You dropped out of high school. Any regrets?

  A: What do you think?! Actually, I do need to address this....

Q7 What are the rules you live by?

  A: 1. Have the patience to train others to do your job so you can build your business. 

      2. Take care of your customer.

      3. Reward people.

      4. Look ahead at the Big Picture, not just the job in front of you.


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