Endymion and Selene
      Endymion, a youth king or hunter or shepherd of surpassing beauty, is loved by the Goddess of the Moon, Selene. For this reason, the Goddess made him slumber forever to own him.
      Some of the poets say he was a king, some a hunter,butmost of them say he was a shepherd. All poets are agree that he was a youth of surpassing beauty.
      In all the stories about him he sleeps forever, immortal, but never conscious.  It is said that this magic slumber was Selene doing.  She lulled him to sleep so that she might always find him and caress him as she pleased.  But is is asid, too, that her passion brings her only a burden of pain, fraught with many sighs.
      Selene, in the later poets, Artemis is identified with Hecate. She is "the goddess with three forms," Selene in the sky, Artemison earth, Hecate in the lower world and in thw world above when it is wrapped in darkness.  
Endymion and Selene, by Sebastiano Ricci
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