His Evaluation

     I. As a writer of problem novels

            Dickens is the most popular of all English novelists, he never lost his sympathy for the poor and the mistreated.  His best novels are those of victims of the slums, the poor work mouses, and debtor's prisons.  In his novels he did much to  call public attention to slum conditions and miseries of the lower strata of English society.

     II. Secrets of his success           

           Dickens has excessive imagination, which made good stories out of incidents which ordinarily pass unnoticed.  He has extreme sensibility, which findd realief only in tears and laughter.  He is sentimental, especially over children and outcasts.  He fights against injustice ; he champions the weak against the strong ; he gives courange to the faint; and hope to the weary in heart.  He keeps colse to the reading public, studying its tastes and pleasing it.  If pleasing the public is an art, Dickens is one of the greatest artists.  In this point, we find him a parallel with Shakespeare because both of them won their success by studying and plessing the public.

     III. His view on society
          Dickens always emphasize the fact that this is an excellent world, only some errors have crept into it due to thoughlessness and this can be easily remedied by a little human sympathy, he often excuses the individual in view of the faults of society.  He also thinks that innocent suffering and crime are due more to conditions than to bad character.


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